Thank you to our 5 participating schools for allowing us to talk to your junior classes about the impact CEO makes on students! If you are a junior at Argenta-Oreana CUSD #1 High School Bement CUSD 5 DeLand-Weldon CUSD #57 Cerro Gordo School District 100 Monticello High School APPLY NOW at APPLICATION CLOSES FEBRUARY 15

Midland Institute for Entrepreneurship

Other News From Around The Same Time

While it's cold outside... If you are a Junior at Argenta-Oreana CUSD #1 High School Bement CUSD 5 Cerro Gordo School District 100 DeLand-Weldon CUSD #57 Monticello High School looking ...

While it's cold outside... If you are a Junior at Argenta-Oreana CUSD #1 High School Bement CUSD 5 Cerro Gordo School District 100 DeLand-Weldon CUSD #57 Monticello High School looking ...

Thank you to our 5 participating schools for allowing us to talk to your junior classes about the impact CEO makes on students!   If you are a junior at Argenta-Oreana CUSD #1 High ...

Thank you to our 5 participating schools for allowing us to talk to your junior classes about the impact CEO makes on students! If you are a junior at Argenta-Oreana CUSD #1 High ...